Troubleshooting errors in submitting or uploading a story

A guide to fixing issues in uploading or submitting a story


Common uploading issue

If you're having trouble uploading your shots, Folktale will provide you with an error message that explains possible reasons for the error:

Connection issue

You can learn how to troubleshoot here.


Imported file size is too large

You can learn how to troubleshoot here.


How to troubleshoot the issue

Check your connection

  1. Visit Check My Connection
  2. See how your connection to Folktale is

If your connection to Folktale is inconsistent, try finding a different network that is stable and retry uploading multiple times at different times.

As a safeguard, it is recommended to download and save your recorded clips to your device to prevent loss of data.


Check your imported file size

If you import a video from your device, the file size must be less than 128 MB. If your video is larger than 128MB, we recommend compressing it using one of the following free options:

  • Suitable for Beginner Users (Mac only)
    1. Open the video in QuickTime Player
    2. Click File
    3. Click Export As
    4. Select resolution

Once you have compressed your video, try reimporting it to your shot again. Before uploading, make sure that your device has a stable internet connection.


Contact support

Need more help? Send the below information to or to the chat widget at the bottom right of your screen:

  1. Screenshot(s) of what you are seeing on the screen when the uploading fails (an error message, etc)
  2. Did you record the video on the platform or on your phone's native camera? How long is the video?
  3. What kind of connection you were on? (mobile 4G, hotel wifi, office network, etc)
  4. What type of phone did you use? (Android or iPhone)
  5. What type of browser did you use? (Chrome or Safari)

Our support team will be happy to look into this issue and follow up with you within 24 hours.