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  2. Requesting Stories

Modify a Story Invitation that has been sent out

A guide for Admins and Insights Managers to modify a Story Invitation on the Invitation Overview page.



Step One: Go to the Invitation Overview page

Once you sign in, click on your workspace name in the left navigation panel (on desktop) or press the menu icon in the top left to expand the panel (on mobile device) and press on your workspace name.

  A screenshot of the left navigation panel.     A screenshot of the left navigation panel.  
On desktop On mobile devices


From there, you can select a project and click Story Invitation.

A screenshot of the left navigation panel.


Once you find the invitation that you'd like to modify, click on the invitation title to open it.

A screenshot of a story invitation.


Alternatively, you can click Dashboard, scroll down a bit to find the Active section, and click on any invitation title to open it.

Step Two: Modify your Story Invitation

You can modify the expiry date and the invitation details by clicking on the pencil button located in each section.

A screenshot of a deadline of a story invitation.

A screenshot of an invitation details.


Modify the expiry date

You have the flexibility to adjust the expiry date to suit your needs. You can extend the date to allow for more contributions or shorten it to close the invitation.


⚠️ Once a Story Invitation expires, it will no longer be accessible to contributors.


To modify the expiry date, you can drag the Expiry to the left or right, as well as select or enter the exact date and time. Once you have made the changes, click Save.

A screenshot of changing the expiry date.

Modify the invitation title

Once you click on the pencil button, a text box will open where you can modify the invitation title to suit your needs. 

Adjust the contributors' access to import response

Adjust this setting to allow or not allow contributors to import their responses. This will hide or show the button to import video from their camera roll when contributors are recording their stories. 

Enable or disable the Community Link

You have the option to disable or enable the Community Link for the invitation. 


⚠️ Enabling the setting will generate a new link that can be shared with your stakeholders. Disabling it may revoke access to the Story Invitation for contributors who have already received it.


Allow or disallow sharing between contributors

Adjust the settings to whether or not contributors can view each other's stories in the Activity Feed.

Add or remove Story tags

You can add or remove tags to be attached to every submitted story from the invitation. Use tags to understand the data you collect and gain deeper insights. 

A screenshot of adding or removing story tags in the Invitation Overview.

Once you have made the adjustments, click Save to apply the changes to your invitation.


Congratulations! Your changes to the Story Invitation have been successfully saved. Now, you can keep track of your invitation's performance via the Invitation Overview or via the Project Dashboard for a more comprehensive project-level view.