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  2. Requesting Stories

View stories in progress and send a reminder to Contributors

A guide for Insights Managers to track stories in progress within a project and follow up with Contributors





💡 You can only send a reminder to Contributors who have accepted your Story Invitation. Please note that reminders are not available for Field Reporters who created a story with a Story Preset and Guest users who use Community Link.

Step One: Go to the Send Reminders page

Once you sign in, click on your workspace name in the left navigation panel (on desktop) or press the menu button in the top left and press on your workspace name from the panel (on mobile devices).

On desktop On mobile devices


Next, select a project and click on Send reminders.

Alternatively, you can also go to the Project Dashboard and click on Send Reminders.

You'll be taken to the Send Reminders page where you can see a list of Contributors who have accepted your Story Invitation but have not submitted their stories yet.

Step Two: Send reminders to Contributors

If you feel like your Contributors might need a reminder to complete the task, you can click the check box next to their names and click on the Send reminder button.

This will send a gentle email reminder prompting them to complete their story before the due date.

In addition to tracking stories at the project level, you can also monitor stories in progress within a specific invitation in the Invitation Overview