Upgrade your Guest or Workspace managed account

Want the benefits of a full Folktale account? Upgrade your Guest or Workspace-Managed account.



The benefits of a full Folktale account

If you have created a Guest account or have been given a link to your Workspace managed account by your Insights Manager, you can upgrade to a full Folktale account. Upgrading will give you access to the following benefits:

Follow the below steps to upgrade your account.


Step One: Go to your Profile

Once you sign in, click on your profile at the top right of your screen and select Profile. This will take you to your Profile page.


Step Two: Link your email address

Scroll down to find Link email address and click to expand. Type the email address that you want to use for your account. Once done, click Get linking code to continue.


Folktale will send you an email containing a code to be added to your account. Copy the code and return to your Profile page.

From your Profile page, paste the code into the box and click Link account using this code.

Congratulations! Your account is now linked to your email address. To secure your account, you can proceed to the Security section to set up a password or add a passkey for future sign-ins.