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Save, edit, and access your Story Invitation draft

A guide for Admins and Insights Managers on how to save, edit, and access your Story Invitation drafts before sending them to contributors



Folktale allows you to save your Story Invitation as a draft while you are working on it. This will give you the flexibility to revisit and refine the invitation later before sending it out to your contributors.


💡Story Invitation drafts are currently private to you and are not visible to other workspace members. Each draft is tied to the workspace in which it was created.


Save your Story Invitation as a new draft



When creating a Story Invitation, you can save your progress as a draft anytime by clicking Save as draft button at the bottom of the screen.


Once saved, your draft will be listed under the Previously saved drafts section for easy navigation.


Within the draft, you will find the title of the invitation, the timestamp for the most recent edit, and an indication of whether this draft is the one you are currently working on.

To the right, there's a delete button for removing the draft from your workspace.


Edit your Story Invitation draft

Before you make an edit, make sure you see the Currently Editing label on the draft. The label indicates that any changes you made to the invitation will be saved to the draft.


Once you make an edit, click Save current draft at the bottom of your screen to save your changes.


Access your Story Invitation drafts



All drafts created from any project within the workspace will be listed under the Previously saved drafts section. This will make it easy for you to access any draft without having to select the specific project where it was originally created.

To access them, go to your workspace and click Collect stories from others.


If you have multiple projects, select any project and click Create a story invitation.


Scroll down a bit and you can find a list of your drafts under the Previously saved drafts section. Click on the invitation title to edit the draft.


Alternatively, you can access the drafts from the Story Invitation page. From the left navigation panel, click on your workspace name where the draft was originally created.


Scroll down a bit and if you have multiple projects, select any project. Once done, Click Story Invitations and you'll be taken to a new page.


On this page, you will find a list of your drafts under the Previously saved drafts section. Click on the invitation title to edit the draft.


Well done! You have successfully saved, edited, and accessed your Story Invitation drafts. Next, explore the details of creating a Story Invitation and finalize your invitation before sending it out to your contributors.