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Remove an active Story Invitation

A guide for Admins and Insights Managers to remove or deactivate a Story Invitation on the Invitation Overview page.



⚠️  Please note that you cannot remove a Story Invitation from your project, but you can remove contributors' access to the invitation by adjusting the expiry date to the current date.

Step One: Go to the Invitation Overview page

Once you sign in, click on your workspace name in the left navigation panel (on desktop) or press the menu icon in the top left to expand the panel (on mobile device) and press on your workspace name.




On desktop On mobile devices


From there, you can select a project and click Story Invitation.


Once you find the invitation that you'd like to modify, click on the invitation title to open it.

Alternatively, you can click Dashboard, scroll down a bit to find the Active section, and click on any invitation title to open it.

Step Two: Modify the expiry date to the current date

Scroll down to find the date and time settings of the invitation. Once found, click on the pencil button on the right side of your screen.


You can drag the Expiry to now or select or enter the present date and time. Once you have made the changes, click Save.


Congratulations! The changes have been successfully saved. Your invitation has now expired and contributors will no longer be able to access it. Now, you can find the invitation in the Complete section on your Story Invitation page.