Introduction to My Stories

Everything you need to know about My Stories

My Stories is your personal space in Folktale where you can access your invitations, presets, stories in progress, and submitted stories.


Navigating to My Stories

Once you sign in, click My Stories in the left navigation panel (on desktop) or press the menu icon in the top left to expand (on mobile devices) and select My Stories from the panel.

A screenshot of left navigation panel on mobile. A screenshot of left navigation panel on desktop.
On desktop On mobile devices

What can I do on My Stories?

View and respond to Story Invitations

Under the Pending section, you will find a list of all your story invitations.
New story invitations are labeled as NEW and you can click on it to accept or decline the invitation.
If you have already started a story but have not submitted it, it will be labeled as IN PROGRESS. 
A screenshot of list of story invitation in the My Stories.

View Story Presets (Field Reporters, Insights Managers & Admins)

A Field Reporter, an Insights Manager, and an Admin have access to the Story Presets created within the workspace. Here, you can create a story using a story preset.

A screenshot of presets in the My Stories.

Cancel stories in progress

Even if you have accepted an invitation and started a story, you still have the option to cancel your story.

A screenshot of cancelling a story in progress in My Stories.


View submitted stories

Once you submit a story, it will be visible under the Submitted section on the My Stories page. You can click on the thumbnail to play or download the video, change your contact preferences, or see the details of your story.

A screenshot of list of stories in My Stories.

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