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  2. Recording your Story

Import media files from your camera roll

A guide to import media files to your shot and adjust the import setting



Sometimes when you're filming a Folktale story, you might wish to be able to use a piece of footage that you captured earlier on your mobile device.

With the import function, you can upload media files from your phone camera roll or ones saved to your computer and use them for your shot.


⚠️ Imported media files must be under 128MB. If a file imported is larger than this limit, please record it directly in Folktale instead of importing it.


Import media files to your shot

To import a media file, you can press the Photo library button at the right bottom of your screen.



This will trigger a pop-up window asking you to confirm if you have obtained any permission needed to avoid violations of copyright and privacy rights.

Please also note that the imported media must be under 128 MB in size. You can confirm by pressing OK.



Next, you will be guided to your camera roll or folders in your computer to select a media file to import. If the imported file exceeds the limit, we will let you know by the pop-up message.


When this happens, it is recommended to record the shot directly in Folktale instead of importing it.


Note that not all stories will have this feature enabled. An Admin or an Insights Manager can specify if this is something they wish to allow when sending out a Story Invitation or creating a Story Preset



If you can't find the feature, feel free to reach out to your Admin or Insights Manager to adjust the settings on the invitation or the preset.

Adjust the import setting for Admins and Insights Manager

As an Admin or an Insights Manager, you have permission to adjust the import setting in the Story Invitation and Story Preset.

To change the import setting after sending out your invitation, you can go to the Invitation Overview page and click the pencil button to proceed.



For the Story Preset, you can go to the Story Presets page and select the option to modify your preset.



Once done, your contributors will be able to import media files via the Photo library button at the right bottom of their screen.