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  2. Requesting Stories

Create a QR code using a Folktale template

A guide for Insights Managers and Admins on how to generate a QR code for communities to contribute their stories



When requesting a story from your community, it is possible to share a QR code linked to your Community Link.

A Community Link is a unique URL generated for a Story Invitation. This link allows anyone to access the story invitation and to contribute a story.

Step One: Generate a Community Link

To generate a Community Link, start by creating a Story Invitation. Make sure to select the option to Invite others via a Community Link to generate the unique URL.


Step Two: Copy the Community Link

After your Story Invitation has been successfully created, click on the View invite Overview button on your invitation confirmation...

A screenshot of successful Story Invitation creation.


... And click on the Copy link to copy the Community Link to your clipboard.

A screenshot of copying a Community Link.


Alternatively, you can also click Story invitations from the left navigation panel...
... and find the Community Link for the Story Invitation.
A screenshot of Community invite link.


Step Three: Generate a QR code

Feel free to utilize a QR code generator of your choice to create your own QR code. One option we often use is available here.

Once you open the link, you can paste the Community Link to the left section and wait until your QR code is generated on the top right.


Next, click on the Download button located below the QR code and wait for the file to download. You may encounter an option to sign up, but this step is completely optional.

Well done! Your QR code has been successfully downloaded. You are now ready to use it as needed.