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  2. Recording your Story

How to record audio only

A guide to turn off your camera and record audio only in Folktale





Benefits of Audio only recording

Folktale gives you the flexibility to share your story in the way that feels most comfortable for you. Whether you want to record a video with audio, or just an audio recording, Folktale supports both options.

Audio only recording makes it easy for you to contribute your story, especially when you're not ready to be filmed yet. You can also attach videos or pictures of your surroundings to create a more engaging and complex story.


How to record audio only

Once you accept a story invitation, start recording from your device. Press the record button and a new page will open.


To record audio only, look for the Camera button at the bottom left of the screen and press it.


The Camera button will change and you'll see a microphone icon on your screen, which means you're ready to record audio only.

Press the Shutter button and start speaking after the countdown. Once you're done, press it again to stop recording.


To make your story engaging, it is recommended to add attachments of videos or photos. The video will have no sound and will be displayed as the visual background for your audio recording.


After you have finished recording, the clip will display a black screen. When you upload it, it will be transformed into a waveform visualization.

Well done! Now you can watch the preview of your story and if you are happy with the result, you can go ahead to submit your story.