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  2. Recording your Story

Add participant consent to your story

How to add participant consent for multiple participants in your Folktale story




A participant is someone who will be showing up in your story. This can include the person you are interviewing as a Field Reporter or anyone who appears in a shot within your own story.


Before you begin recording your Folktale story, note that it is important that you get adequate levels of consent from the participants involved. They should clearly understand the purpose, the audience and the intended use of your story.


After they confirm their willingness to participate, follow the steps below to proceed.

Step One: Add participant consent to your story

Sign in to your account and select the story in which you wish to include a participant. Once you are on the Create your story page, scroll down to find the Add participant button.


This will open a participant's consent form. Clearly communicate to your participant why the story is being collected, how it will be used and who will be able to see and access the stories.

If your organisation has uploaded additional consent terms and conditions, these are accessible via the URL.

Once you have their consent, add their name and location, press the checkbox, and press I agree.

Step Two: Find and add a participant

Once you've added a participant, their name will be listed under Participants.


To add a participant, go to any of the shots where they appear and press the Add or remove participants button. You can type their name and select from the dropdown list.

Alternatively, you can also add a participant as you go through each shot by selecting the option to add a new participant.