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A change for Field Reporters

We're making story collection faster and easier for Field Reporters

On Monday 3rd October, we'll be introducing some changes to the Folktale platform that will make story collection easier for Field Reporters.

Introducing: Story Presets

The new Story Presets feature allows an Admin or Insights manager to pre-define the template and story settings for a Field Reporter to use.


Field Reporters will have quick access to these right on their My Stories page, making it easy to jump right in and create a story while they are out in the field.

Field Reporters can respond to a preset as many times as they like whilst the preset remains active, even while offline!


Take a look at the following articles to learn more about how to use story presets:

Important Changes to Field Reporter Permissions

With this new feature, we will be introducing some changes to Field Reporter permissions on the Folktale platform.

On the 3rd October 2022, Field Reporters will no longer be able to:

  • Access the Project Dashboard, Story Library, or View Projects

  • Create or edit story invitations

  • Create stories on-demand (create a new story from scratch and define the template and presets).

  • Create or manage teams.

Instead, Field Reporters will only have access to the 'My Stories' page, where they will see the Story Preset buttons to create a new story.


What does this mean for me?

Admins & Insights Managers

If you are an Insights Manager that has team-members assigned as Field reporters, you need to review your team's permissions and determine how these changes will affect your Folktale projects before the 3rd of October.

  • If your Field Reporters still need access to the Project Dashboard, the ability to send story invites and/or the ability to manage teams, then you should promote them to Insights Managers before the 3rd of October.

  • If your Field Reporters will benefit from the simplicity of using Story Presets, then you will need to be prepared to create new Story Presets for your team, and share with them instructions for using Story Presets to create stories on or after the 3rd of October.

Field Reporters

  • If you are a Field Reporter, after the 3rd of October, you will no longer have access to the Project Dashboard, Story Invitations or Story Library.

  • When you log in, you will be taken directly to the 'My Stories' page where you will see any of the Story Presets created for you by your Insights Manager.

For questions, help or more information, contact support@folktale.io